Your Teen’s Private Path to
Top-Tier Colleges

Imagine your child earning admission to America’s most prestigious institutions and becoming utterly unstoppable in school, work, and life!

Master Communication Skills

Boost Self-Confidence

Achieve Lifelong Success



What Happens if Your Teen Can’t Communicate with Clarity and Impact and Get Ahead Today in an Ultra-Competitive World?

He or She...

Struggles to gain admission to the very best colleges and universities.
Falls behind peers and colleagues in school, career, and life.
Loses self-confidence and motivation.
Fails to live up to his or her true potential.

Young happy girl students while walking autumn park

“The one easy way to become worth 50 percent more than you are now — at least — is to hone your communication skills — both written and verbal.”

— Warren Buffett

The Proven Elite Student Coach Program


Cultivate world-class written and verbal communication skills and craft unforgettable application essays.

Build self-confidence, command attention and respect, and hone a razor-sharp competitive edge.

Earn admission to top colleges and universities, lead the pack, and become unstoppable in school, work, and life.

Meet Dan Ulin:

CEO and Founder of Elite Student Coach

Welcome! I’m Dan Ulin, and at the age of 15, I dealt with the very same challenges your son or daughter faces today: trying to stand out, be heard, and get ahead in a noisy world. I was extremely fortunate; my parents found me a mentor, and through his guidance, I learned to communicate with precision and emotional resonance—a skill set that served me well throughout my academic and professional careers.

I mentor elite college-bound teens just like yours to gain admission to the schools of their dreams and achieve lifelong success. At the core of the program, I empower them to identify their unique on-paper and in-person “voices,” write and present with clarity and impact, and tap into a wellspring of self-confidence. These skills are absolutely essential when it comes to crafting phenomenal college application essays and succeeding in virtual and on-campus interviews.

Over the course of my 30 years as an educator, communications professional, and marketing executive, I’ve worked with hundreds of ambitious teenagers; taught creative writing at the prestigious Andover Academy; co-taught multinational management at The Wharton School; lectured at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management; and developed English-language curriculum materials for the Japanese high school system with Panasonic and the Ministry of Education in Osaka.

I’ve lived and worked in East and Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States; founded and run my own highly successful marketing strategy firm; and leveraged the key communication skills I first acquired as a teen in working with and for such organizations as Mercedes-Benz, Rolls-Royce, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Toyota, American Airlines, BMW, Wharton Executive Education, Airbus, State Farm, and The House of Blues.

I look forward to the prospect of helping your child achieve greatness!

Dan graduated with Honors from The University of Pennsylvania, earned his MBA from The Wharton School, and received his MA in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University.

His Elite Student Coach program dovetails his passion for coaching and mentoring with his extensive background in education, writing, public speaking, entrepreneurship, media training, mental health, and the performing arts.

What Makes Elite Student Coach Different

from Typical College Counseling Services?

Parents like you want to give their kids a lifelong competitive advantage but often struggle with making that a reality. Many teens resist their folks’ well-intentioned efforts to steer them past specific learning-related roadblocks or help them shape their college application essays. This often creates tension and frustration in the household.

Dan Ulin addresses this problem head-on by mentoring exceptional teenagers on preparing for, navigating, and completing the complex college application and interview processes; becoming confident, world-class communicators; earning higher grades and test scores; sharpening their critical thinking faculties; maximizing their productivity; showcasing and monetizing their talents; and succeeding in school, work, and life.

His interdisciplinary Elite Student Coach program is designed for highly-driven, goal-oriented young men and women who want to challenge themselves, inspire others, and achieve greatness.

As of October 15, 2024 Dan still has two spots available for this exclusive one-on-one coaching and mentorship opportunity. We encourage interested parents to submit their applications as soon as possible.

How It Works:



Submit your application today. Assuming your teen is a good fit, Dan will schedule a 30-minute call to discuss the Elite Student Coach program and answer any questions you may have.



If your son or daughter is accepted into the program, Dan will custom-tailor a curriculum that will maximize your child’s opportunities for admission to top schools and transform him or her into a master communicator.



Great communicators attend elite colleges and universities, succeed in their personal and professional lives, and ultimately change the world. Isn’t this what your enterprising, top-tier student deserves?



About Dan Ulin and Elite Student Coach

“After contacting Dan, I knew right away he’d be the perfect mentor to help my daughter raise the bar on her writing so that she’d have the best shot at getting into her wish list schools. Dan also helped her develop a brilliant outreach plan so that admissions officers would view her as an unforgettable candidate. My daughter ended up being admitted to her first pick—one of America’s most competitive universities. I know she’ll carry the lessons she learned from Dan well into her adult life and pay those forward to others.”

— Dr. Darin Klein

Seattle, Washington

“Applying to one of the most competitive programs on the planet was confusing and nerve-wracking. Dan streamlined this process and made it as stress-free as possible. At the same time, he challenged me to sharpen my writing skills and deliver a narrative that squarely addressed the questions at hand and expressed my thoughts in a compelling and impactful way. He also coached me in penning a letter detailing the depth of my interest which I had hand-delivered to the Dean. I was admitted and can’t wait to begin my studies and embark on my career as a leader in biopharmaceutical research!”

— Mao

Tokyo, Japan

“We hired Dan Ulin to work with not just one, but two of our children. He has an exceptionally unique, really creative approach to helping young people build self-confidence, find their voices as writers, and focus their thinking when it comes to the college application essay and interview processes. As a direct result of the work they did with Dan, our son and daughter both ended up getting into their first choices of top schools and are excelling in their studies. We couldn’t possibly be happier, and neither could our kids.”

— Lisann and Rob Gould

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

“Our daughter set her sights high when she decided to apply to the one university that offered the most exclusive program in her chosen field. She put all her eggs in one basket, and we brought in Dan to help her shape her thinking, stay on track, and craft an application that would make her stand out and shine among an untold number of highly qualified candidates. When she was admitted, we were beyond thrilled. Daniel immediately called to congratulate her and, as we were, was overjoyed at her success. Engaging Dan turned out to be the perfect move!”

— Jean-Paul and Takami Maunick

London, United Kingdom

“Dan not only helped me refine my communication skills, but also reframed my thinking as an applicant during my senior year in high school so that I came to see myself as both a ‘buyer’ and a ‘seller.’ It was a major confidence booster. With his expertise, we repositioned me as a candidate to make admissions officers sit up and take notice. I was accepted into nearly every college I applied to, including my reach school. I recently graduated from UCLA, and Dan and I are still in touch; that’s the kind of mentoring relationship he forges with his students.”

— Jacob

Hidden Hills, California

“Dan co-created an outstanding communications-based anger management program for teenagers for our community mental health clinic. His use of applied improvisation as a means of showing kids how to reframe perceived ‘failures’ as learning opportunities was transformational. He has a special way about him when it comes to helping young people overcome their self-imposed limitations and demonstrating how to pass what they’ve learned on to others. It’s a powerful pay-it-forward mentoring model. Most importantly, Dan understands how teaching kids that self-esteem must come from within fuels their desire to challenge themselves and grow over time.”

— Eden Garcia-Balis

Los Angeles, California

Two Final Spots Still Remain for This Exclusive Coaching and Mentorship Opportunity—So Take Action Today!

We look forward to receiving your application.